Sunday, July 18, 2010


I suddenly feel a need to reinvent myself.

Maybe not now, as we all know the process of overhauling can be very costly. But in the near future. Read: at least a year after my first paycheck.

But whats on my list? So far its:

1. Give up something. I'm not sure what though. Meat? Sex (not like there is any to give up HAHA, but perhaps doujinshis and other various forms of pseudo-porn)? Coffee and *gasp* tea?? CHOCOLATE??!!?? FRIED FOODS/FAST FOOD (including McDonalds, Burger King, KFC and doner kebabs)??!!?? FACEBOOK?!????

The more important question though, is how long? Hmmm....

2. Stop drinking alcohol. Maybe just a little bit of *expensive* wine? NO. Well. Maybe on special occasions. But only special occasions! Thining about it I hardly drink anyway, but i think the main focus is on how to say NO to drinking it when being pressured to.

3. New wardrobe. To match the new me of course! Goodbye T-shirts with cutesy prints on them that scream "teenager" and "otaku". Hello proper working adult clothes, possibly with a touch of 60's retro flair and elegance of Blair Waldorf. And pretty lingerie. And a proper corset for crying out loud!

4. Something nourishing for the soul. Idk, could be religion, meditation, yoga, chicken soup?.

5. Take a dump at least once a day, at the very very least-est once every 2 days. Yah yah totally random, but I believe a happy colon means a happy mind and mood, leading to a happier you. Boost up the fruit and water intake, bebe!

6. Take any means to clear up my pimply face. Yes. If my shitty acne hasn't cleared up by then (gosh I'd be like, 24? 25? Who the heck has acne at that age??!!), take accutane, take birth control pills, take whatever, just clear it up!

7. Health first. Since I'd be around a quater of a century by then, I think its time to check that all bodily parts are working well. Full body check up dayo~!

8. I *heart* you Mommy and Daddy dearest. If I'm getting older, than the two folks are too. Without trying to sound over morbid, you won't know when the next racial riots occur back home. When the heart attack/stroke happens. When the car crashes and everyone perishes. When some mad burglar breaks in and kills everyone. There are so many scenarios, so many possibilities. So I think I should call my parents everyday (or Skype!) and make sure I tell them that I love them. Heck I don't have to wait till a year after my first paycheck to do this, I ought to do it starting from now!

9. Find a hobby. I need a more normal hobby. Normal meaning something that won't make me an even bigger otaku than I already am. Something befitting an elegant young lady. Tea ceremony? Flower arrangement? Any suggestions?

10. Reconnect with old friends. One can never have too many, especially good ones. 

The overall goal is to somewhat try and become a yamato nadeshiko, without being overtly submissive, having the confidence as well as being unique. Something like mashing up Joan Holloway and Peggy Olsen from Madmen with the classic Japanese housewife. There. Perfection.

What do YOU have on your overhaul list?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Blog death

Yeah. Once again it has finally hit. Basically nothing new since the last post.

I did finish and pass Clinical Placement, but only with a Pass grade. Nothing more to be expected from a 5 week stint though. Which reminds me, i shall have to email the supervisors to ask about wether i'm allowed to re-do that assessment at the end of my next 5 weeks as I would certainly be more competent then.

After that my life routine was:

1)Wake up.
2)Make something to eat. Most of the time I'm lazy, so its just 2 or 3 slices of plain toasted bread. This usually lasts me the whole day. No surprise why really.
3)Sit in front of the computer for hours on end till butt gets sore. Shift in seat to relieve soreness/numbness. Resume staring at computer.
4)Use the toilet/ take a shower and mantain hygiene. I may be lazy but not THAT lazy.
5)Resume position in front of computer till 4am in the morning.
6)Crawl into bed when the first light creeps in between the blinds.

Rinse and repeat for the next 2 weeks. Then off to Melbourne for 3 weeks of quality time with the family.

In Melbourne, I ate lots of dim sum, hung out with family and cousins, toboganned down a snow-icy slope, watched porn for free (followed by, horrendously, a woman giving birth. You get the full view of her hoo-hah with the baby's head popping out. Squirmed in the chair a little and decide never to have children. Ever.) at a museum and drank waaaaay too much (single origin! :D)coffee for my own good. In rankings for a skinny mocha:

1. Ethiopian Yirgacheffe @ Jasper's, Fitzroy
2. Ethiopian Nekisse Microlot@ Brother Baba Budan
3. Guatemalen something something @ Brother Baba Budan
4. Non single origin, Genovese blend @ MART 130
5. Sumatran (or was it Sulawesei??) @ Brother Baba Budan AND S2 Blend @ Sensory Lab (Its a tie!! :D)
6. Kenyan M'bee @ Seven Seeds, Berkeley St; AND
7. (and it was so bad and oversweet that it burnt all the way down) House blend @ Brunetti's, Lygon St

Got back to Newcastle yesterday. Have resumed the same routine as before going to Melbourne. Only that I have been going out with some friends so less time spent in the chair.

Sadly, I found out that June is going off to Tasmania next week *sobsob*. One less friend in Newcastle. Boo. Oh well, time to pick myself up coz Foodservice placement starts next week!

2 weeks of madness, followed by a 3 week break, followed by 7 weeks of hell. Ah, I love my life *starts planning suicide*.