Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I've been sighing a lot more lately. Thanks a lot. I am frustrated that I don't know how to go about you, and also frustrated because I'm not even sure you are worth frustrating over about!! ARGH dilemma.

Then again I also could be sighing a lot more as I am now out of a job, and have resumed my hermit-like ways of being cooped up at home, looking forward to the weekends and the next possible outing with you.

I'm supposed to be applying for jobs now, but I've been procrastinating. Will do so tonight. In addition to proper dietetics jobs, I've been trying to get part time jobs in fashion retail.

Ooh its time for the Bold & the Beautiful! *goes off to watch*

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Playing with a tiny little flame...

... but I don't know how or when to start :(

I feel so tempted to say something when you're online, but I can't. I don't want to scare you off, my circle of friends here in Melbourne is tiny, and if you're alienated from me then my circle will be diminished to just me. And Micchy.

Nor do I want to be teased. And (for now) I still dislike your cousin. But you seem like such a sweet boy. I just want to get to know you better, because I can't really say I like you till I actually know you a little more, no?

I just don't know how to start. The end.

A sad, and true story.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Last chance!

A couple of days ago while working at the bookshop, two guys came in. I recognised them from a few days ago, they came in to look for Law textbooks.

So I went up to them and cheerily asked "Hello again! Can I help you?" And one of them goes "Ah so you remember us! Yeah we're just here after some books. And yeah the last time we were here my mate here *jabs finger at the guy with him* asked you out for a date but you turned him down! And he's not the type to take no for an answer!"

At this point my face is still frozen in a smile but my brain was like *wtf no I don't remember this was this Jess he's talking about?* Commence nervous laughter.

"Heh heh, well I'm afraid I shall have to dissapoint him again by saying no... again?"

And then I sort them out with their books and returned to the till to wait and see if they were gonna buy more books. They didn't and left the store. As they were leaving the store the dude pops back in and says "Last chance! Are you available this weekend for a lunch date?"

And I went "Heh heh heh? What?!!?" And shake my head. And then my boss comes out from the office with big smirk on his face and asks "Was he hitting on you". I say clearly no, coz the guy in reference didn't actually say anything it was his friend that did all the teasing. He then asks if I thought the guy was cute, but I was unpacking books at the time and answered "huh? do I think this *book* is cute (wtf)???" And when I realised he meant the guy I said maybe, some people may find that kind of look attractive but not me. Boss states his surprise, he however felt the guy looked a little Wog-ish. And I said "Really? I didn't check to see if he was wearing socks"

Boss gives me a "wtf" face. I said because back in college, my housemate teased me when I wore socks with my sandals. She said it was a very Wog-gy thing to do. So I always thought a Wog was a person that wore socks with their sandals/slippers/loafers. Boss roars with laughter. He tells me a wog is a person of Greek/Italian descent.

But I already knew that lol. And boss himself is a wog. Too bad I didn't check to see if he was wearing socks with his slippers haha.

Boss and my manager didn't let me live the next few days unteased about that incident. They kept shouting "Last chance! Last Chance!" at the most random moments such as when ordering my lunch, or when I am going to the toilet, or even when the shop is too quiet wtf.