Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Stuck in a rut

Ah. So grad has come and gone, and so have the parents (as usual, drama banyak-banyak involving my mother -- as expected *rolls eyes*). Back to the usual routine.

By usual routine I mean applying for jobs. Yup. STILL. After countless rejections I have to type and edit pages and pages of lies and bullshitmy CV and cover letter to fit each and every job I've applied for.... on average about 4 a day. Ohmigod I hate typing up these damn documents so much i swear at night I dream about the next new creative way to jazz up my CV and letters.

Not to add to the passive background stress of being evicted and rendered homeless in about 5 weeks. Yes my lovelies, the wonderful folk here at YMCA have decided to give me the proverbial boot and take away my guest key by mid-June. AAAAARGH where will I live??!?!??

I guess I could still crash at Micchy's but will have to plan my time to revolve around her timetable. =_=. So inconvenient though.

All this would be solved if I actually score a permanent full time job. Damn. Hey Mr Big Guy up there in le universe, could you throw me a little divine intervention here? Melbourne in winter is a truly sorry time to end up a homeless/jobless bum. I promise to work hard if you provide me a starting step!!!