Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Time Flash!

Aaaand WHAM! It's already the end of July! Time really flies when you don't want it to! Whats happened since I last updated?

1. I got employed!
Yup. I got an interview back home, hopped on a plane and passed the interview 2 days later :D. Granted it was only a contract for 6 months (probation, bummer) but I decided I needed to kill time AND gain work experience whilst awaiting for my visa to be processed. That stint is nearly over so I'll be heading back to KL for a couple of weeks, and then back to Melbourne sometime in September to job-hunt and wait for my visa to go through.

Good thing though, as I decided I do not like the idea of working as a dietitian back in Malaysia (especially in areas where a Mandarin-challenged banana like myself cannot function). ideally if I were to come back i would prefer to work in KL, but if that cannot happen then perhaps a job in sales *looks pointedly at Nestle and Danone, and possibly L'oreal/Estee Lauder wtf*  

2. I cut my hair!
The last time I had it chopped short was back in '07, when I first headed off to Newcastle. After 5 years I decided I had enough of long curly (or this time frizzy and dead) hair.  

3. I planted some apple seeds!
I was on an apple-a-day phase, and one day I randomly thought "wouldn't it be nice if I could grow these seeds?" as I spat out the seeds in my hand (mind you, this is after I failed to grow my lavender Eggling *fail*... and some bokchoy seeds which I bought started to grow mouldy rather than sprout *double fail*). It's good to know that the one time I decided to sprout something from seeds which I didn't pay for really worked out well in the end!  

4. I bought a tea set! (or two, nyahaha)
Earlier this year (or was it end of last year?) I bought a Masaki Tachi banko-yaki teapot from HOJO at the Gardens. The only thing missing are some clay cups to go with it. Then I was seriously lemming some Noritake teacups at BSC. I saw them from outside and it immediately caught my eye, and it was one of those "OMG I NEED THEM" moments.
Speaking of "OMG I NEED THEM" moments, I realise I hardly overspend money or stuff but when that moment hits I will spend all I can to own it despite how ridiculous it is. For example the earliest memory I can remember was at the age of 6. I saw a knitted sleeveless top with a sequinned Minnie Mouse sewn on it. I stopped in front of the shop and wouldn't leave until my parents bought it (possibly threw in a super-brat tantrum too). The shirt cost more than RM100 which was A LOT of money at the time, and we weren't rich either. But my parents gave in and bought it. Funny thing is I never wore it HAHA because it was an adult's shirt and I was a dwarfy 6 year old. I just looked at it hanging in the cupboard and felt happy wtf. Other things included a porcelain doll chucked somewhere under the stairs, a Gloomy Bear shirt I bought in Melbourne.

But I digress. Anyways, I've been trying to work really hard and reasoning with myself before ending up with another failed purchase *coughminniemouseshirtcough*, so I dutifully dragged myself away from the shop. Last week I saw the same cups, this time with a teapot. A TEAPOT!! I don't care if it was made in Sri Lanka, but I really really really love the Blue Sorrentino pattern! Now that its mine, I promise and swear to myself not to buy anymore fine china until I purchase something from Meissen(German) or Herend(Hungarian). Crossing my fingers till the Eurotrip (if it ever happens), and hoping Dad will help to foot some of the costs of those handpainted lovelies. Ooh train-of-thought derailing again! There was this really cute figurine of a kitty in Noritake, it was fat and purry (thats right, purry!) and to die for! Already lemming over it haha so much for swearing off non-handpainted china.

Whew long post. I'll end it here for now. :D