Thursday, April 23, 2009

What a disaster!

I've been absolutely hating groupwork this year.

Yesterday's food lab preso SUCKED majorly. I wondered if i let it show on my face the distaste and annoyment i felt while the others were presenting. My part worked out fine at least, i covered what i needed to cover without getting sidetracked.

My group got butchered by Surinder after that,  getting asked questions based on homg stupid comments and statements made by some of my groupmates (one of them in particular).

Sometimes i got pretty annoyed when i suggest logical changes and she shoots them down based solely on the fact that SHE feels its too big a change or because she feels its not right but doesnt provide the evidence to back it up (HAH i am starting to sound like Surinder, "where is the evidence? where is the evidence!!??!!). And it sucks that rather than just getting the bad mark for herself it affects the whole group.

Part of our course is to learn from reflection. I hope she reflects on this for for chrissakes dont try to be a smartass by making shit comments like "I know most Australians do not like to eat fish" (BAM got shot down by Surinder INSTANTLY) and shooting off comments of the top of her head like "uh... we removed sardines which are high in sodium and chose a lower salt fish" (homg since when, WHEN have sardines become a high salt fish???? when have any kind of fish become high salt unless its been processed)

Part of my reflection is to grow a pair of balls, and provide some, uh, "constructive" (if i can help it) critiscm in order to help the group. And myself.

And start making new friends coz heaven forbid I'm stuck in a rut with this lot till the end of the year and i do not want to fail subjects based on shitty presos. D:

1 comment:

  1. Awwww :( Yeah I know how sucky groupwork can be!! Last year, I had this absolutely horrible coursework where half the group didn't do anything, and the remaining half of us worked our arses off!! I bitched my toes off over them ^^;;; *hugs* You'll get through it somehow!!!
