Monday, May 25, 2009


After the past few clinical lectures, I kinda realise i need to make some changes to my lifestyle and health.

Some resolutions:

1. After my bottle of Chivas runs out, I'm not buying alcohol again. I think i shall try to avoid it at all costs.

2. I will buy SPAM no more than once in 2 months.

3. I will try to eat fruit once a day (winter fruits suck!! come back, seedless cheap grapes!)

4. I will try to excercise =_= (after my exams haha when i have eight weeks of nothing-to-do-ness)

Coz it will be a big joke if I die or get those disease which I am trying to prevent in other people. I don't wanna be a hypocrite!

And worse of all... I don't wanna inject insulin for the rest of my adult life!!!! ;A;.... *pinches abdominal fat protectively*

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Come back! I can't live without youuuu~

Yes. Now that my rice cooker has died on me, I miss it more than ever.

I kinda suspected something was amiss when the clock on the rice cooker constantly said "11.48" and one day it dissapeared. I don't know whats wrong with it. It just died. I'm pretty sure I did not hurl it against the wall in a fit of abusive anger... though I must admit that there were times I couldn't be bothered to wipe the bottom of the pot befor sticking it in the cooker :P

But sure just that teensy weensy bit of water couldnt be the source of damage, could it? I've only been using it for slightly more than a year! Stupid Philips rice cooker!!! *GRRRR*

How am I supposed to have rice now?? :__;... I was looking forward to hot fluffy rice served with hot side dishes during these cold winter months...

Come baaaaaack~!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Yong Tau Fu

Right now I have an insane craving for Yong Tau Foo (tofu/beancurd skins/certain vegetables stuffed with fish paste), especially the deep fried fu chuk ones.

If I don't have any soon I think I might die!! D:!! I can kind of empathise with Rapunzel's mom when she wanted those veggies from the witch's garden.

*Starts frantically googling recipes. Or places in Sydney that might sell them*

... i wanna go home :(

Every Last Drop

Yesterday was a nice lazy day out...

We went to Hunter Street for a big brunch, after I sucessfully convinced them NOT to have KFC because I had Hungry Jacks (Burger King!, don't know why they rename everything in Australia..) for dinner the night before.

Anyway, June suggested this place where according to her they had awesome banana smoothies so we looked and found a cafe called Every Last Drop which had a funky menu board, which also boasted banana smoothies!

So us girlies ordered a banana+dutch chocolate+ice cream smoothie named "The Bomb", and Green Eggs & Ham brekkie, which was pesto scrambled eggs served with ham on 2 toasted slices of wholegrain sourdough, topped with sauteed mushrooms and with a side of rocket and avocado. It was huge! And I gobbled it alllllll up. Heh heh heh. Its been so long since I had a big meal like that *cough*back home in Malaysia*cough* No wonder I was fat...

Then I got home and cooked Malaysian Curry Chicken for the international dinner. I put too much coconut cream+water in it, I think it killed the spiciness and made it too watery. Plus i had curry stains on my new-ish white shirt! ;__; They didnt come out even after washing...

Then I watched a movie with the rest. We were going to watch the Exorcism of Emily Rose, but the version John got was in Russian, with English subtitles (haha!) so we decided to watch something else and I picked a random one called Dororo. It wasn't too bad... but there was no real ending wtf it was abit frustrating!

I think I'd rather go watch a Stephen Chow movie. I was halfway through "Lucky Guy" when I got too sleepy.

I'm waiting for my parents to call, but I think I'll go get breakkie first. In my attempt to incorporate more dairy into my diet, I've been eating 5 spoons of yoghurt with breakfast cereal everyday for breakfast. Don't know if it helps much, but at least now theres some dairy instead of no dairy at all.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Holy Germany!


I had a loud squee moment, something about something being revealed about APH's Germany *hint: its in the title!*!!! Ooooooh devious devious Himaruya you really know how to pull at the yaoi fangirl's heart strings!

Oh and I went through the Christmas specials. Haha. So thats where all the pictures of France being a pervert and half naked European countries came from. I'd like to have a France Santa-san to come deliver me presents too!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Piggy piggy...

Argh my muscles are aching so much I have been reduced to hobbling around like an old woman! After an absence of 5 weeks or so I decided to revisit the gym for 2 days in a row and its taking a toll on me :(

My butt muscle feels like its broken... all the way down to my knees. And the muscle around my knees are so sore, it's like I got hit by a car or something. Parking my bum down on a chair is pure torture!!! *whines somemore*

It's 10.30 pm and my stomach is growling.

I should stop looking at food/recipe blogs so late at night. I'm bound to snack! I shouldve brushed my teeth earlier, then maybe that would somewhat deter me from deviating haha...

I'm gonna make me some Neoguri ramen with kimchi and eomuk. Yum. Plus it'll keep me warm too! (excuses :P)

Some kind of future dietitian I am. But as I learn't today in class, I shouldnt be a 'diet Nazi' either. So there. I will have that 2000 plus kilojoules before bed tonight! >.>...

And then break my butt muscles all over again in the gym over the weekend, trying to lose it again :(

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Ooh, ooh, and Linny, in case you haven't seen any pics yet...
That's Tarou-chan! My cousin-in-law Miki-san gave birth to him a month ago, and FINALLY my sis sent me a photo of him! Isn't he cute? X3
I have to say I'm not too happy with the name he's given though. The poor kid would be teased to death in school. Though most likely he'd end up in the Jap School of KL, so i guess he'll be fine then.
He's got his dad's face but his mom's eyes. If he's got the Wong genes, chances are he'll grow up to be a heartbreaker. And I get to be the annoying aunt trying to set him up, lol.


Its been a bleh week for me.

I did pretty OK for my clinical exam.. not too bad, but not as good either. As for my dietetic prac assignment, i expected good results coz Lesley didn't comment much about it when i submitted our drafts but the marks we recieved was appaling!!! I have lost condfidence for assignment 2 :(

Also I haven't contacted a Physio student yet to take a diet history. Plus my hetare group isn't getting around to even starting on it! Am I the only one freaking out!?!?!

Yet for all the freaking out I'm doing, I'm still procrastinating :P

And I started going back to the gym again. Not too sure if its another one of my methods of procrastination, but at least its good for health!

I crossed the mud path today and noticed a flock (is that the proper word?) of ducks. They are starting to look evil again. I hope they don't start producing little ducklings so soon just yet. I want to enjoy walking around freely without worrying about being attacked by ducks.

Take time to chew... OR ELSE! *dundundun!*

Yeah. So I pulled a leaf out of my butt today (don't ask... *headdesk*). Moral of the story: Chew your food properly dammit! Especially very very long pieces of seaweed. Or else! Butt pain!

Whilst in the process of, uh, removal of said leaf... I was thinking, how the heck do people even enjoy buttsex. Even a teeny teeeeeeeny thing (in diameters lol) like a smooth seaweed leaf can give me butt pain, let alone a *beep* (insert object/ body part here :P).

People must be crazy. Indeed.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kimono Quilt!

The other day I was watching "He's Just Not That Into You" and at one scene in Anna's (Scarlett Johannsenn) bedroom, I couldnt help but notice the kimono-print quilt cover and matching pillow cases!! They were so pretty!!! I really really really wanted them!!!

So I couldnt take it anymore and I got into Stalker Mode and scrolled around IMDB and tried to get some leads. I found K.C.Fox, the set director... and proceeded to look on Facebook, my no. 1 stalk tool!

I did find him, but i wasn't sure if it was him... plus I was afraid I'd get a snooty answer since he is some big shot "director" (even if its just for the set lol). Then I found Peggy Casey, the set buyer and I thought she'd be more approachable plus she'd actually know where the covers came from. 

So one Facebook message later, her reply was "We had that bedding custom made. I suggest you find similar fabric and do the same. Thanks for liking it and good luck."

Damn! How do I even begin!?!? I did find a site that sells the fabrics, but I have no sewing affinity whatsoever. Heck, I even have a quilt-in-process thats still in process for the past 5 years!!

Recommend me a good tailor, one who is especially good at making quilt covers and pillow cases, anyone???????

Friday, May 8, 2009

Shame on you, Barisan Nasional! SHAME ON YOU!

As of now, I am ashamed to be called Malaysian. [If you haven't heard the news about the Perak State Assembly, go read about it now..]

The only real love I have for my country would be for its food. Would I die for my country, the land where my blood was first spilled, or so they say? Honestly? NO FUCKING WAY.

There are Americans who lose limbs and nearly their lives fighting for their country in the Middle East, yet they all say given the chance to do it again, they would. Even if it means being a cripple or dying. Thats patriotism for you.

Forcing us to go on a 3 month funcamp (as the Singaporeans would call it) or deathcamp (as I like to call it) called "National Service Camp" to improve our patriotism? NOT HAPPENING ANY FUCKING TIME SOON. As you can see, I haven't even bothered reporting for it. I value my life far too much to waste on a country that has given so little to me. Lets just see..

1. Education

I spent 7 years out of 11 years of basic education in a government school. It wasn't too bad. Then I got put into a private school. I don't really know if there was any difference, but the difference could clearly be seen in my sister. Private school education was far more superior once the government made the change to studying Maths & Sciences in English.

Then comes higher education. My parents have been slaving away their entire working lives to provide me with an education overseas. "Why overseas?" a classmate of mine, Ellie, asks. I told her, because back in Malaysia entrance to uni is based on the color of your skin and not merit. Hence it was a given since the day I was born that my folks had to slave away to start saving up money.

After i told her that she said she now appreciates how good life as an Aussie is, and that she always took school and uni and HECS (a government uni loan for ALL Aussies, not just the "white" ones) for granted but now she feels blessed that she wasn't born somwhere like Malaysia.

2. Politics

I am starting to become politically aware. Well, mainly because I am reaching the age where I am soon to be able to vote. I never really took general elections as a big thing before, and even here in Australia they have ads on TV telling you to go vote, and that your vote is a very very precioussssss thing.

Since last year, only have I realised the importance of a vote. Ever since my parents voted for the Opposition for the first time last year. Ever since my mom voted for some woman MP from PAS which I thought would never happen in her lifetime. Ever since the Opposition won big time. Ever since Obama became the first African-American President of the USA.

Sadly, recent events in Perak have really dissapointed me. From the illegal removal of the Menteri Besar and replacing him with a new MB from Barisan, who was NOT voted by te people of Perak, is an insult to democracy.

And just yesterday, Barisan have just did what they do best. They dragged out the Speaker from the Perak State Assembly and threw him out of the Dewan like a sack of potatoes. And they installed a new Speaker while he adjourned the the Assembly because the MP's he ordered to leave refused to leave.

So on one hand, I am highly ashamed and dissapointed because BN is making it seem that my vote is unimportant because they DON"T GIVE A SHIT about who the people want to represent them. It seems all they do give a shit about is BN WINS, no matter how illegal and how unscrupulous it may be. Which is a shame, because as for as I can remember my parents have always voted BN and i thought i would follow in their footsteps and do so too when my time comes. Now i know better.

On the other hand, now I am 100% sure that I will NOT VOTE FOR BARISAN NATIONAL in the next elections simply because I want to prove them wrong and that I want to believe in Democracy and that my vote still counts. Also, I would never vote for any coalition that has asshats from UMNO who go around shouting "Orang Cina balik ke Cina!" or "Balik India!"

To those asshats: "Hoi balik Indon lah! Balik ke Filipina lah!!" (Wiki it, thats where you people come from. You wanna play the" go back to your country" card?) The true princes of the soil of our country are the orang asli. All the rest of us are immigrants. So why should some immigrants lord it over the rest and claim it as theirs and theirs alone? Why can't we share the same status and identity because we are all on equal footing?

If I get proven wrong again, then should the oppurtunity come up where I have a choice to give up my Malaysian citizenship, then I shall do so with no regrets. This country has failed me one too many times, and I wish to no longer be associated with the shame carried along with being called Malaysian.

P/S: This makes you wonder, wtFUCK is our new Prime Minister doing about this? Oh wait, or is it his doing??!? Hmmm...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

America: Land of the wasteful!

I just watched an episode of Oprah that showcases some American families who were wasteful, and underwent her challenge of living less for a week.

One particular family totally pissed me off! They were so wasteful, especially with food! The mom cooks like, 5 different meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner because their kids all want to eat different things! When they can't finish the meals, it all goes into the trash. And a lot of it goes into the trash. This is food. Proper, edible food thats being thrown away. World hunger is still a big issue these days, and we have American morons throwing away their food because "my kid's dont like my cooking" or "we dont ever eat leftovers!! Leftovers?? Ewwwww". Like WTF?!? These people need to grow up in a third world country to truly appreciate life.

I also believe that bad parents make bad children. The mom herself goes shopping every Tuesday of the week, eventhough the fridge is well stocked to probably last them for 3 months. How does she solve this problem of lack of fridge and cupboard space? She throws food out. The bitch (pardon the bad language but she really pissed me off) throws out all half-finished boxed stuff like cereal and biscuits, eventhough they're still good! She pours away bottles and bottles of soda from the fridge which have "lost their fizziness..which is around 3 days", yet buys the giant 2.5L bottles when they go shopping eventhough they NEVER finish them. She spends 200$ a week rebuying items that she just threw out! Good, not-even-close to expiry food as well!

If I were a parent I'd whack my kids around their head and make them eat whatever one meal I make!! "Oh? Whats this? Won't eat my veggies or red meat? You want to eat out??!! Get a freaking job then you can go eat out with the money you make! Or else just sit down, shut up and eat. If not, I'm sure the doggies would appreciate your share of the meal. I always knew i should've given birth to a peice of char siu rather than a useless kid like you! At least the char siu i can eat!"

I'm sorry, but food and wastage is a really touchy issue for me. I know I waste alot when I eat at the dining hall (thats because the food is like dog food =_=) but I also know that if I made all my meals, I would never NEVER throw food away unnecesarily. Its a shame that these are the very same people wailing "oh why am i soooo poor? why have i sooooo much debt??" and tossing their money into the bins while they at it. Americans. Go figure =_=.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Man I've been burning my eyeballs (literally! lack of blinking + computer glare) just oggling at the tons and TONS of AxisPowers Hetalia fanart on Aarinfantasy. 

How hottttttt is GermanyXPrussia?? They are my fave pair. Its like, smex + smex = TRIPLE SMEXXEHH because they get a bonus smex point for just being so sexxxay :P

They don't even have to be engaged in, uh, innapropriate action to make me buuuurn. All they have to do is be in the same picture frame and give that sexy glare simultanously. Or at each other.
♥has a joygasm♥

mmm... glare baby, glare!!

Ahh, that feels sooooo good!! (Going through the piccies, not the joygasm, perv! :D). I miss yaoi fangirling, i haven't done it since they got rid of Sex Pistols. I've missed it, and its like rediscovering a part of me thats gone asleep for some time... 

On another note, I started playing "Restaurant City" on Facebook. Its the most annoyingly addictive game there is. Proceed with caution! Don't say I didnt warn you!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Not that this post has anything to do with it lol..

Note this is going to be a rave post so if you wanna escape, do it now :P

I heard of Axis Powers Hetalia quite some time ago when reading Harlequinn's LJ and so I already knew it was a manga of sorts based on the Axis and Allies during the World Wars but personified the countries as real people. And boy did she rave about them. But because it was a manga I just couldnt be bothered.

Then some time ago i noticed on zomganime a catergory being aired called Axis Powers Hetalia. They've turned it into anime!! YAY!!!!!

It runs only for 5 minutes per episode so its great if you need to watch something fast and hilarious. It is so freaking funny, it had me laughing all the way to the end of the episode EVERY episode i watched (i think my housemate thinks i'm nuts, just giggling hysterically in my room).

In case you were wondering, why 'pasta' as my post title then? Thats because the main character, Veneziano aka North Italia (but often referred to as just Italia) is often shouting "pasta!" or wanting to eat pasta, or building giant pasta figures out of sand! :P He has an older brother, South Italia (often referred to by name, Romano). He looks exactly the same as Veneziano except he looks grumpier and has a different hair color. He doesnt do the pasta thing like Veneziano, but has been seen clutching a horde of tomatoes almost patriotically while threatening Germany. Both brothers are women loving, as expected of Italians :P. And both brothers are utterly useless. Hence the name "Hetalia". ("hetare" + Italia)

This should give you an idea of the immaturecomedy to be expected. This is during WW1 and Germany has just captured Italia (Veneziano) as a prisoner. Italia, being a more than happy prisoner, wrote a song for Germany...

"Germany, Germany, Germany is a great place
 They feed me even though I’m a prisoner
 The food doesn’t taste crappy like British stuff either
 Sausage, cheese it’s all so tasty!
 It's a heaven for dogs. That’s what Germany is!
 But why are all Germans so stern? I feel like I’m going to be crushed
 by their intimidation...
 My heart is so afraid and I’m going to cry. The girls are so big too...
 Is it your hobby to burst barrels of beer everyday?
 Also, please stop raiding my house in swarms. The tourists are way
 too scary.
 German chicks are bigger and better built than me. Yahoo!"

Germany promptly sends Italia home in a box. Ironically, thats how Germany found him too. In a box. Its hilarious. Go Axis Powers Hetalia!!!!

And if thats not enough incentive to watch, they boys are all bishie and its loads of material for the yaoi fangirl! See for yourself! 

Saturday, May 2, 2009

the shit is turning cold...

Remember i was complaining about how my hair would stink like the sewers??

I actually managed to wash my hair one handedly! It took ages but i was determined not to go to the Red Party smelling like arse.

The Red Party was a bomb though. Bomb in a bad way. It turns out the only people there were the Medical students, I think June and I and Adrian (in his words, the party was "bullshit") were the only non-Med kids there. The thing I hate about Med kids is that they stick to their own damn cliques and have no interest whatsoever in getting to know other people. At least it was for charity. But who would cater for MY charity? :P

I guess this should prepare me for the bureaucracy of future hospital life. FUCK YOU M.D.'s!! VIVA LA ALLIED HEALTH~!!!! *waves middle finger*

Speaking of smelling like arse, i wasn't allowed to get my cut wound wet so i have done really well in not wetting that finger since Tuesday. Needless to say, I haven't been washing it since and now it really smells like arse.

Before this I used to wonder "OMG what died in here" or "Jeez that person has a f**kin stinky fart" whenever i smell a horrible sour-ish rotten-ish smell wafting. Now I realise its just my finger being too close too my nose. I hope the smell isnt actually coming from the wound itself, coz the idiot nurse didnt clean the cut before taping me up.

I was cutting an onion when the knife cut me so my fingers were covered in onion juice when they got taped up, resulting in the soury vinegar like stench. Thank god I wasnt cutting the pork, theres so much yuck stuff in raw pork (swine flu! wtf) i think i wouldve screamed at the nurse if she had just taped me up then without disinfecting.

But anyways i am contemplating washing the finger and trying really hard to avoid that thin line of healing flesh. I cant take the smell anymore!!!