Friday, May 8, 2009

Shame on you, Barisan Nasional! SHAME ON YOU!

As of now, I am ashamed to be called Malaysian. [If you haven't heard the news about the Perak State Assembly, go read about it now..]

The only real love I have for my country would be for its food. Would I die for my country, the land where my blood was first spilled, or so they say? Honestly? NO FUCKING WAY.

There are Americans who lose limbs and nearly their lives fighting for their country in the Middle East, yet they all say given the chance to do it again, they would. Even if it means being a cripple or dying. Thats patriotism for you.

Forcing us to go on a 3 month funcamp (as the Singaporeans would call it) or deathcamp (as I like to call it) called "National Service Camp" to improve our patriotism? NOT HAPPENING ANY FUCKING TIME SOON. As you can see, I haven't even bothered reporting for it. I value my life far too much to waste on a country that has given so little to me. Lets just see..

1. Education

I spent 7 years out of 11 years of basic education in a government school. It wasn't too bad. Then I got put into a private school. I don't really know if there was any difference, but the difference could clearly be seen in my sister. Private school education was far more superior once the government made the change to studying Maths & Sciences in English.

Then comes higher education. My parents have been slaving away their entire working lives to provide me with an education overseas. "Why overseas?" a classmate of mine, Ellie, asks. I told her, because back in Malaysia entrance to uni is based on the color of your skin and not merit. Hence it was a given since the day I was born that my folks had to slave away to start saving up money.

After i told her that she said she now appreciates how good life as an Aussie is, and that she always took school and uni and HECS (a government uni loan for ALL Aussies, not just the "white" ones) for granted but now she feels blessed that she wasn't born somwhere like Malaysia.

2. Politics

I am starting to become politically aware. Well, mainly because I am reaching the age where I am soon to be able to vote. I never really took general elections as a big thing before, and even here in Australia they have ads on TV telling you to go vote, and that your vote is a very very precioussssss thing.

Since last year, only have I realised the importance of a vote. Ever since my parents voted for the Opposition for the first time last year. Ever since my mom voted for some woman MP from PAS which I thought would never happen in her lifetime. Ever since the Opposition won big time. Ever since Obama became the first African-American President of the USA.

Sadly, recent events in Perak have really dissapointed me. From the illegal removal of the Menteri Besar and replacing him with a new MB from Barisan, who was NOT voted by te people of Perak, is an insult to democracy.

And just yesterday, Barisan have just did what they do best. They dragged out the Speaker from the Perak State Assembly and threw him out of the Dewan like a sack of potatoes. And they installed a new Speaker while he adjourned the the Assembly because the MP's he ordered to leave refused to leave.

So on one hand, I am highly ashamed and dissapointed because BN is making it seem that my vote is unimportant because they DON"T GIVE A SHIT about who the people want to represent them. It seems all they do give a shit about is BN WINS, no matter how illegal and how unscrupulous it may be. Which is a shame, because as for as I can remember my parents have always voted BN and i thought i would follow in their footsteps and do so too when my time comes. Now i know better.

On the other hand, now I am 100% sure that I will NOT VOTE FOR BARISAN NATIONAL in the next elections simply because I want to prove them wrong and that I want to believe in Democracy and that my vote still counts. Also, I would never vote for any coalition that has asshats from UMNO who go around shouting "Orang Cina balik ke Cina!" or "Balik India!"

To those asshats: "Hoi balik Indon lah! Balik ke Filipina lah!!" (Wiki it, thats where you people come from. You wanna play the" go back to your country" card?) The true princes of the soil of our country are the orang asli. All the rest of us are immigrants. So why should some immigrants lord it over the rest and claim it as theirs and theirs alone? Why can't we share the same status and identity because we are all on equal footing?

If I get proven wrong again, then should the oppurtunity come up where I have a choice to give up my Malaysian citizenship, then I shall do so with no regrets. This country has failed me one too many times, and I wish to no longer be associated with the shame carried along with being called Malaysian.

P/S: This makes you wonder, wtFUCK is our new Prime Minister doing about this? Oh wait, or is it his doing??!? Hmmm...

1 comment:

  1. Eurgh yeah I soooo know what you mean. Honestly, I love the land, I love the food, I love the weather... I just hate the people.

    I went to read about the Perak thing - God, I feel so embarrassed. If it weren't for the fact that my family and many friends live in Malaysia, I'd pack up and move to Singapore or stay in London permanently!

    And HELL YEAH I'm never voting for BN!!!!
