Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Leaky faucets

This week I cried twice, thanks to anime and manga.

Incident 1:

Reading Naruto Shippuden. Without giving away too much *spoiler spoiler!*, it had strong family and death themes, and by the end of Chapter 504 I was bawling my eyes out.

Incident 2:

Then I started watching Mainichi Kaa-san (or Kaasan - Mom's Life as its called on Crunchyroll), and there was an episode where a little girl asks her grandpa "Grandpa, when I become a big girl, are you going to die?" and then when her Grandpa struggles to find an answer she says "Don't die! Don't die!" while clinging on to him.

He doesn't die till much later, but he tells everyone who will listen about that incident and what a sweet caring granddaughter he has. Right until his deathbed when the girl (now a teen) visits him, he tells her "did you know, my granddaughter once told me... " and he never finished the sentence.

Cue the burst pipes. Heck I'm tearing a little as I type this. I think because it makes me think of the phonecall I had with my granny before leaving to Australia early this year. I couldn;t say goodbye. I could only cry silently on the phone and tell her that I would miss her alot, thats why I was crying. But the truth is, I was afraid she would pass away whilst I'm here and I would never ever get a chance to say a final goodbye. I think somehow she knew, because she told me to study hard and that "Mah Mah is not going anywhere. I will see you when you come back at the end of the year".

Okay. I need to go wipe my tears and blow my nose now.

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