Saturday, July 30, 2011


Tonight I went out for a lovely Korean dinner with Micchus and some friends. It was a great time, awesome food and even better company. I haven't laughed so much this week, thanks for always providing a good time, JHau.

As dinner drew to an end, I looked towards the entrance to gauge just how long the queue of the next wave of hungry diners would be. I spot someone who seemed to be staring in my direction, and thought "oh boy, they must really be killing for us to leave". After all, we were done and were doing nothing but chatting and sipping bori-cha. Then I realised that face looked kinda familiar. And my stomach flipped. Because it meant there was a high possibility that you were there.

And you were. Looking at me (or my table). Possibly contemplating murder. But soon enough you got your table, right next to mine. As you and XNgai take your seats, I sneak a closer look at you, as the place was poorly lit and it could very well be your dopelganger. Our eyes meet for a split second, and I am 1000% sure it is you. After obsessing over you for the last few years of my high school life, I am pretty damn sure I know its you when I see you. I quickly avert my eyes. I don't know how to respond or react? Do I go up and say hi? Do I pretend I never saw you? Should I wait for you to make the first move?

I pick the ignore option. It seems you chose that too. After so many years, its the same. Keep calm, ignore and carry on.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Rage girl


It would appear that he's just an Asian version of Roger. Fark lah, why must it be so????

In other non one-sided stalkinglove news, I'm training to be a bookshop assistant. Yeah. Hope it goes well :D

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"As if there were eternal cyclones and neverchanging typhoons..."

Well well well, I still have not received any job offers, only rejection letters :( I am seriously contemplating taking up part-time jobs to make some money so that I don't feel so guilty when spending my parents' hard earned money on food and other unnecessary necessities (like shoes! clothes! french dinners!).

But I digress.

Today's post title continues with "... my heart is swirling with winds of LOVE!".

Sou! It's that time of the year again! Yes yes yes every year it's the same, I always have a new obsession over a person or two lol. Its somewhat a tradition for me :D

I was volunteering at an event as an usher (more like it was an excuse to get dolled up, put heels on and have and a chance to wear my Gallo dress, something I doubt I'd have a chance to do much in Melbourne due to the lack of formal events that Uni used to have). While standing like a an akward plant in my designated position, un jeunne homme walks past with a camera in hand, excitingly clicking away at the night's events and decorations. Something about him catches my eye, and I cannot help but follow with my gaze, and I do not remember if my mouth was hanging open (oh God please let my mouth be closed >.<)

Was it because his face looks so familiar? Was it the glitter of his green bowtie? Or was it because he, cutting a dashing figure in his suit, looks so damn GOOD??? He doesn't have a chiselled jawline or fantastic bone structure, but that twinkle in his eyes (asian SEPET eyes omg haha can't believe I am being sucked in by them) and cheeky smile is sooooo appealing.

I would later find out that he was my junior in high school, and that his younger sister is one of Micchy's classmates/ good friends. I also managed to chat with him briefly and took some pictures for him. He has a really easygoing attitude, and even made me high-five him (with my artic fingers buahaha).

I only wish he wouldn't end up like the rest of my previous obsessions. I really want to get to know him!

It would be nice to be able to believe in destined encounters and romantic wishy washy ideals, but for now I am just content to look at pictures that I had Facestalked for the past 2 days. Le sigh.

Noah's Ark with him. Noda. Noda. Noda! :D *Ouran joke*