Saturday, July 30, 2011


Tonight I went out for a lovely Korean dinner with Micchus and some friends. It was a great time, awesome food and even better company. I haven't laughed so much this week, thanks for always providing a good time, JHau.

As dinner drew to an end, I looked towards the entrance to gauge just how long the queue of the next wave of hungry diners would be. I spot someone who seemed to be staring in my direction, and thought "oh boy, they must really be killing for us to leave". After all, we were done and were doing nothing but chatting and sipping bori-cha. Then I realised that face looked kinda familiar. And my stomach flipped. Because it meant there was a high possibility that you were there.

And you were. Looking at me (or my table). Possibly contemplating murder. But soon enough you got your table, right next to mine. As you and XNgai take your seats, I sneak a closer look at you, as the place was poorly lit and it could very well be your dopelganger. Our eyes meet for a split second, and I am 1000% sure it is you. After obsessing over you for the last few years of my high school life, I am pretty damn sure I know its you when I see you. I quickly avert my eyes. I don't know how to respond or react? Do I go up and say hi? Do I pretend I never saw you? Should I wait for you to make the first move?

I pick the ignore option. It seems you chose that too. After so many years, its the same. Keep calm, ignore and carry on.

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