Saturday, July 9, 2011

"As if there were eternal cyclones and neverchanging typhoons..."

Well well well, I still have not received any job offers, only rejection letters :( I am seriously contemplating taking up part-time jobs to make some money so that I don't feel so guilty when spending my parents' hard earned money on food and other unnecessary necessities (like shoes! clothes! french dinners!).

But I digress.

Today's post title continues with "... my heart is swirling with winds of LOVE!".

Sou! It's that time of the year again! Yes yes yes every year it's the same, I always have a new obsession over a person or two lol. Its somewhat a tradition for me :D

I was volunteering at an event as an usher (more like it was an excuse to get dolled up, put heels on and have and a chance to wear my Gallo dress, something I doubt I'd have a chance to do much in Melbourne due to the lack of formal events that Uni used to have). While standing like a an akward plant in my designated position, un jeunne homme walks past with a camera in hand, excitingly clicking away at the night's events and decorations. Something about him catches my eye, and I cannot help but follow with my gaze, and I do not remember if my mouth was hanging open (oh God please let my mouth be closed >.<)

Was it because his face looks so familiar? Was it the glitter of his green bowtie? Or was it because he, cutting a dashing figure in his suit, looks so damn GOOD??? He doesn't have a chiselled jawline or fantastic bone structure, but that twinkle in his eyes (asian SEPET eyes omg haha can't believe I am being sucked in by them) and cheeky smile is sooooo appealing.

I would later find out that he was my junior in high school, and that his younger sister is one of Micchy's classmates/ good friends. I also managed to chat with him briefly and took some pictures for him. He has a really easygoing attitude, and even made me high-five him (with my artic fingers buahaha).

I only wish he wouldn't end up like the rest of my previous obsessions. I really want to get to know him!

It would be nice to be able to believe in destined encounters and romantic wishy washy ideals, but for now I am just content to look at pictures that I had Facestalked for the past 2 days. Le sigh.

Noah's Ark with him. Noda. Noda. Noda! :D *Ouran joke*

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