Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Sims 3

My pizza-baby grew again. FML!

This is because I haven't been to the gym since last Wednesday. So much for getting fit again.

What does this have to do in relation to the post title?? Its BECAUSE of the stupid, addictive Sims3 that I have been skipping gym, study time AND sleep to play! 

Gawd, I need motivation. Speaking of motivation, he smiled and waved at me during dinner. Ahhh, motivation.....

But there was something in his smile that makes me worry abit... dundundun!*ominous sound*


  1. Don't give up. Maybe he waved because he likes well curved women.
    Maybe he doesn't want you to lose any weight.
    Find out before you go on a diet.
    Bye ;)

  2. What do you mean by FML ?
    According to the free dictionary it can mean anything from Fluorometholone via Flexible Membrane Lining to Forget My Life.
