Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sleeping with one person is sleeping with many...

Today was my first time in the HIV ward. Today is the first time I shook a HIV positive person's hand. Today I had the most physical contact with HIV infected people in my life.

Its shocking how all my patients today were male. And gay. Some of them were open about their illness (he was a lovely old man), others hid their problems away (his mom didn't know he was infected), others are depressed and suicidal that they are this way (he was sexually abused as a boy by his brother and hamsap old neighbour, became gay, had a partner who comitted suicide, another died in a tsunami, and to top it all off, his asshole of a new boyfriend drugged him, raped him while he was out and that's how he got infected. Because the guy lied about his sexual history and claimed he was clean). All were so very sick, one had eyes that were red like the demon's! It would have shocked me but thanks to watching the latest episode of House MD where the fella's eyeballs somewhat exploded with blood, i had been de-sensitised lol. Another was blind due to all the infections he suffered whilst his immune system was smashed from the HIV. Its all very sad.

Its even more ironic that yesterday's episode of Grey's Anatomy had a scenario back in the 70's where HIV was called GRID (gay related immune deficiency) and all the doctors acted like he had the plague, wouldn't even touch him or eneter his room. And here I was shaking their hands, ungloved. How the times have changed!

So moral of the story people, don't jump into bed without making sure the person is HIV free, and dont just take their word for it. See the actual paper for yourself. And always practice safer sex, just in case. And life doesn't have to end if you get infected. Its just not very nice.

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