Sunday, April 11, 2010

Somewhere away from my usual place

Sorry for the lack of update. No its not blog-death. 

I have been away on placements for the last 3 weeks at Taree and Forster. The lack of innternet connection and privacy meant no blogging as I could be potentialy caught bitching about the very people I live with lol.

Buuut as one of them has gone home for the weekend, and the other out for a walk, this means I have the complete freedom to bitch and blah about EVERYTHING! Yahoo!

Oh, and if my post suddenly just gets cut off and ends weirdly, it just means one of my fellow roomies have returned and back to blog-death until the next time i get some alone time lol.

But so far its been okay. Taree is a small and picturesque little town. The workload has been light and relatively relaxing. I am being involved in establishing baseline data for a primary school before they get this awesome kitchen-garden thingy implemented. Their school is right next to the beach! Those lucky little buggers :D. But basically all I am doing now is data entry and report writing. So dry and blah!

I returned home to Newcastle for the past 2 weekends. The first was to renew library books and use internet lol. The second was to hang out with some friends. We went down to Sydney for the horse races and a night out. Horrid weather aside, along with money flying out of my pocket at an impressive speed, it was a pretty good weekend. I let a drunken guy crawl over me and put his face in my chest lol. He was drunk, I hate him with a passion, but because he was drunk and won't remember, I took advantage of him. Hah. Usually its the other way around no??

This weekend i did not go back to Newy, choosing instead to see what Taree has to offer on weekends. After a night of karaoke, and by karaoke i mean standing in front of the whole pub and singing into a mic. I sang "Take a chance" by ABBA. Cringe worthy. I believe i mumbled "sorry, sorry..." into the mic a few times. Then adrenaline kicked in and i managed to yell my way (in tune!) to the end. There is this beardy medical student with funky hair who came with us, and I thought he was cool in a beardy way coz we went out on Wednesday night and he seemed very nice. Anyways he looked like he was flirting with my friend. And he came back with us for a while. Then we made plans to have breakkie together.

So we had breakkie together. I felt like a lampost/third wheel the whoooole time. Not to mention, being the pig I am, I managed to wolf my breakfast down in half the time they took to finish their meals. Great. Plus trying not to stare are Dr Beardy. Which made me look like I was disinterested and bored. What an asshat I am.

I am trying not to be akward to my friend either. Because yes, I am a teensy weensy bit jealous, eventhough I have no logical reason to be jealous as a) he is not mine, and never was and b)there was no chance to begin with. 

However I am just frustrated that the guys I always like always end up going for someone around me but not me!!! Like I said before, is something wrong with me?? I don't mean it like "dude, you gotta like me. We should be, like, a couple. Actually lets get married right now. I want your babies.". I would just like to skip all the parts and jump to the process of "I want your babies". In fact just plain flirting is nice, because its suuuuuuuuuch a boost to your self confidence and ego! Ask me out for a movie dammit!

Logically speaking I only have another 1 and a half weeks to go here. So I don;t expect much. I know I am being emo-emo abit now, but give me a few days and I shall recover and be back to normal! :D

On another non-boy related note, my wisdom tooth is acting up again with a stupidly serious case of pericoronitis. This is the second time this year, and the worst because I have to frequently drain and press pus out of the gums which still cover the damn tooth. Yucks. Plus it hurts so much. And I am afraid of Ludwigs angina. Damn you, OSHC, for not covering the costs of dental!

And damn me, for being old enough to be getting teeth of wisdom! Wisdom my ass!

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