Tuesday, June 16, 2009

fuck this shiet!


I came across this article while surfing Scarleteen, which I highly endorse to all young women out there (empower yourselves!). Why the heck am I not surprised.

Effing hypocrites. (No offense, Prissy D: Imma do some Christian bashing nao!) I am aiming my rage at the male species however. Esp the Christian kind. Especially especially at the ones who act holier than me and yet screw their holier than me Christian girlfriend secretly. ふざけんな! I can hear you through these goddamn walls OK! (I dont know if i heard wrongly, but even so it made me mad enough)

Example no. 2: The guy, J, that I mentioned a few posts back. Can't be all grabby with his pure, pristine, Christian  asian girlfriend, so he makes passes at us, "immoral" atheists, taking oppurtunity to grope my boobs last year, passing comments that would usually be classified as sexual harrasment if we were in a working environment and so forth (especially stuff abt Eva's and Nolan's sex life wtf). Sure he is a great friend, but in that sexual aspect, why is there the difference between me, the non-believer who has to put up with that sort of shit, and the Christian girls who never get any of that? Its so unfair! And such a hypocrite of him too! *angry angry*

Sometimes, when I think evilly, I feel like I should go to church, be a "Christian" on the surface, act all frakking goody-goody, seduce a couple of goody-goody Christian boys (because in the end, they ARE human, and we allll know what supression does to your urges....), and shag their brains out and then leave them hanging dry, as revenge for all that shit, frustration and hurt its caused me so far. But I won't ever though. That'll make God super angry (because I'm using Him to get even), and I don't want any bad karma/divine retribution/whatever u call it. So i'll just sit back and frus over it silently and contemplate asexualism.

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