Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lets get physical~

Yeah so its been like nearly 2 weeks since I started gymming again, and this time I can see the results!

My pizza-baby bump has gone down from 4 months preggers to about 2 and 3/4 months! My tummy feels firmer (abs hiding behind layers of fat, boo :(..) and my ass feels firmer and my thighs have shrunk slightly (they're no longer sticking together, so the only parts that DO stick together are hidden by a miniskirts length and thats all that matters haha)

Once my baby bump has gone down to about 1 month preggers AND my back fat goes away, then i'll be truly happy haha. I hope this time the boobs stay...

Its amazing the motivation one guy can give to you to look good. Oh, and bikini season is like 5 weeks away. Helloooooo spring!

Though I must admit I have been controlling my caloric intake as well. I supplement my breakfast with 1 spoon of Horley's Sculpt protein powder(add to my usual cereal+yogurt mix) so i dont feel peckish before lunchtime and have as healthy a lunch as I can with fruit and lots of veggies (1/2 a pizza instead of a whole pizza and with veggies to boot! must... control.... pizza-baby bump...) and then I skip dessert for dinner and I have a Sculpt shake post-excercise so I probably am getting a negative energy balance, which is good for now :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A receding hairline does not stop the player nor the ladies!

His name is Bart. :D

The bastard forgot my name haha. But no matter. As long as I don't forget his!

He's always welcome to call me Amy though :P...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama

Literally translates to : When a tiger dies, it leaves behind its stripes... When a person dies, he/she leaves behind their name.

A moment of silence please, for the great Yasmin Ahmad, story teller and film maker, has passed away last night (July 25th). 

I thought she was amazing, the Petronas ads she made always stuck a chord in me and i always looked forward to watching them during the festival months. Sepet was one movie which was unforgettable for me as well, i mean, come on, a Malay girl entering a coffee shop in which a man was chopping siew yoke at the front??? And she said "Wah, smells so good!" as well!! Amazing! And she used a chinese song for the opening credits, as well as for various parts in the movie! How refreshing for a "Malay" movie!

And  she never stopped making movies which won awards after awards. Its a shame Malaysia did not give her the respect and acknowledgement that I felt she deserved. But in anycase, life is short. It was only 3 days ago she was still happily typing stuff on her blog, and today she is no longer alive.

I will miss reading the things on her blog. I will also miss the movies that might have been made by her, as she was rising in fame.

P.S: She died of a stroke and brain hemmorage. So in this moment I'd like to say as well, watch your diets people! Stroke is a silent killer!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


First off: I passed my exams. Yay. 

Managed to come back from Melbourne healthy and swine-flu free! :D Tasmania was lovely, I dont think Hobart is as ulu as I thought it would be (heck, I doubt anywhere could be more ulu than Newcastle, hah!)

Sadly there was no snow in Tas, only ice, lots of slipper ice. No matter, I built an iceman with June! We found an abandoned carrot right at the top of Mt Wellington, and built him with our feet (i know, wtf right?) and bare hands (suffered mild frostbite after that, my hands felt like they were on fire!)

Ooh, Walter, if you're reading this, I found lambic beers in Tas (of all places! haha) I bought 2 bottles, one Kriek and one Cassis. The brand is Lindemans.. I hope I won't be dissapointed. My friend bought a Peach flavoured one.

Met up with the lovely Julian on the first day, its a pity he decided to go home the day we arrive in Tas. But he took us out for dinner with Matt and then we all went for a ghost tour at an old prison-chapel. Went trekking around some national parks, saw Tasmanian devils (not in the wild haha) and a few other wildlife like platypus and padmelons in the wild! On the last day Matt invited us to his lovely home for dinner (which he made himself, risotto!) Hmm, i could see myself working in Tas in the future... boring as hell but all I really need is a good fast internet connection and tv and I'm set. If I can endure 4 years in Newy, whats another few more years?? Plus I'd be pretty close to Micchy if she makes it into Melb Uni :D

After Melb and Tas, we flew back to Sydney. Brought Ty & John to Din Tai Fung for  a dumpling dinner. Had a black sesame (♥!) ice cream for dessert, which was so effing good coz they sprinkled crushed black sesame powder which added a delicous sesame-ish crunch to the already yummy icecream!!! I love black sesameeeeeee!! June & Ty's mango pudding tasted pretty yum too. Went and watched Harry Potter after that.

Had a shitty experience when we got to Adriano Zumbo's back in Sydney on Saturday. Took Timmy to Balmain coz I thought he'd appreciate the boutique shops there (which he did! he found lots of Aalto designed stuff which he had been ranting on about before we caught the train into the city) Then took him to Adriano Zumbo, this time earlier than last time coz it was like only 2.30pm or so, and you know what? NOT A SINGLE FREAKING CAKE LEFT. Not even the dry, non-refridgerator ones. Even the macaroons were gone, only about 8 unsquashed ones left. All that was left were 2 baguettes, and 3 quiches. WTF! 

And i thought, never mind never mind, theres still the cafe to go to. Homfg the place was soooooo crowded with people, nearly all the choccies were bought out, when we finally got a table the only thing left was I'm a Macaroon Not a Hamburger and Miss Marple, Deconstructed. Which left me dissapointed coz i really really really want another orgasmThe Younger Years or at least if not that, try a Paris:La Vie en Rose. But the "hamburger" was tasty nonetheless. Still, I can only call that foreplay in relation to The Younger Years. Damn you, Master Chef! You've stolen my good cakes away from me!!!

The new kids have moved into IH. I dont get any new housies this semester, boo :(. But it may be a blessing, seems alot of them are Americans (not that i have anything against them :P... they're just so..... American *cough*dumbndrunk*cough*). When i was doing my laundry late Sunday night I bumped into a huge group of Europeans, and one guy stopped to talk to me. Me! Looking like an amah with her laundry basket! I thought he was hot (fine lah, not that hot, as one girl pointedly said, he has a receding hairline wtf but so do I ok!) But he is tall, slightly tanned, curlycurly hair, has an accent and has a super big grin ok whats there not to love (other than the fact he could be gay :O)? 

I. Must. Talk. To. Him. On. Monday. Night! Zettai niiiiiiii!!!!!!! *fuyoh, bersemangat!*. And then after that I can go back to becoming the nerd hermit crab that I am and crawl back into my shell of a room for the rest of the semester, as my timetable this sem has been specially drawn out by the Devil himself. Oh God help meeeeeeeeee ;_____;

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Where I compare Rupe Grint to a nice medium-rare juicy juicy steak...

I just watched the trailer of Cherrybomb (which stars Rupert Grint) and a couple of pics from a Photoshoot which has him looking painfully sexxeh!!

I mean, I'm so used to seeing him as a dorky teenage boy, and now (maybe its the hairstyling?) he looks like he's grown up and finally dishing out some sex appeal instead of dork appeal (which is nice too, but doesnt start you off on a Youtube frenzy *headdesk*

Its also nice to see that he has a good, proper meaty body (something todays young actors kinda lack o_o) which reminds me of Dan Radcliffe pre-Equus days. Not fat, but not thin or rock hard muscular and sculpted *ahemdanielradcliffeeahem*, just nice and meaty :D. Like you could sink your teeth into him and get a satisfying mouthfull, and not chip your tooth off some abs of steel.

Ooh and he's not a hairy beast either, unlike some of his Harry Potter co-stars :P (sorry Daniel Radcliffe, but your chest and belly hair scares me 0_o) But then again they may have shaved it all off for the movie. But why??? Its not very often you see red chest hair and red pubes on the big screen yanno! At least give me that chance to get freaked out!!!

Ok. Back to perving. ~~ *floats away happily*