Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Effing pea shoots

Argh I'm never buying pea shoots or atempting to make wraps for lunch EVER again.

I tried making "healthy" wholemeal lavash bread wraps for lunch with avocado, lean turkey breast slices, cherry tomatoes and PEA SHOOTS.

The wraps don't last very long, within 2 hours I'm starving =_=.

And the pea shoots. So damn difficult to chew ok! The second time I made the wraps I tried cutting them into half their lengths. Made no fucking difference.

Because I couldn't bite them off as i was I was biting into the wraps, I ended up swallowing the goddamn stalks whole. And we all know what happens when you dont chew stringy bits of veggies well. Fast forward 9 hours later and there I am in the toilet pulling strands of goddamn pea shoots out of my ass!! FML!

Its not as if I didnt try to chew, honest to God I tried my hardest. But the more I chewed and chewed and chewed the result I got after 5 minutes of continuous chewing of a mouthfull of pea shoots and I got this fibrous ball of stringy stuff that is beyond human mastication, which I had to force down with a gulp of water.

Moral of the story. Leave the pea shoots to the cows. Unless you've got four stomachs or don't mind pulling stringy bits out of your ass from time to time.

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