Friday, April 24, 2009

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together~

How good is Across the Universe?

Admittedly when i first saw the file on the good old Uni network, i thought it was some crappy sci-fi show aimed at nerdy boys who liked drooling over Princess Leia's golden bikini, and passed it over. Then i read on Aud Ooi's  blog about how good the soundtrack was (its the Beatles, the Beatles!!!!) i decided to give it a go.

And  I was hooked the moment they sang "All My Loving". And I loveloveloved "I Wanna Hold Your Hand".

And I wont be forgetting Bono's singing of one of my favourite (although odd-ish) Beatles song, I Am The Walrus!!! GOO GOO GA JOOB~!

My face is breaking out. I am super unhappy. Its like, instead of getting better after eating the Pill my face is getting worse. I wonder why? Is it because i'm using a generic thats half the price of the original which did wonders (yah they must have used some cheapass fillers thats breaking me out D:)?? Or maybe more stress overall?

Or lack of poo-poo?? Hahaha.

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