Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This is why I *bleep*ing hate ONIONS!

Today, after Jap class i got back starving and decided to have Yakisoba.

So there i was happily chopping away at the vegetables... and then the onion.

I was slicing half an onion lengthwise into half, and then half of that half at a 45 degree angle. Only the onion slipped, and the knife embedded itself at a 45 degree angle into my left index finger.

I pulled out the knife and examinied my fingers coz i thought i cut them all but it turns out only one finger was bleeding so i rinsed it. But the blood didnt stop. I put a tissue on it and applied pressure. But when i removed it after a while the blood continued gushing out. So my housemate attempted to put a Band-Aid on it...only there was so much blood that it kinda slipped off and blood was oozing out of it anyways. Surprisingly i was pretty calm throughout ie: not screaming my head off.

So i thought maybe its hightime i go see a doctor... maybe I need stitches? So i got my butt over to the Uni's clinic. I think then was when the shock (and the throbbing pain in my finger!) kicked in and i broke down crying at the clinic and the receptionist laughed at me wtf!!! WHERE ARE YOUR WORK ETHICS??? Yalah yalah i know its amusing to see a wailing girl have snot literally drip down her face onto her chin... but even still... at least the nurse knew how to do her job and was comforting and did not laugh at me >.>....

So yeah, now I'm all patched up, no stitches thank goodness :D. But she said i have to keep the wound dry for 3 days. 3 FREAKING DAYS. How am I gonna wash my hair????? How am i gonna go for that Red Party on Thursday with my hair smelling like a sewer?? 

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