Saturday, May 2, 2009

the shit is turning cold...

Remember i was complaining about how my hair would stink like the sewers??

I actually managed to wash my hair one handedly! It took ages but i was determined not to go to the Red Party smelling like arse.

The Red Party was a bomb though. Bomb in a bad way. It turns out the only people there were the Medical students, I think June and I and Adrian (in his words, the party was "bullshit") were the only non-Med kids there. The thing I hate about Med kids is that they stick to their own damn cliques and have no interest whatsoever in getting to know other people. At least it was for charity. But who would cater for MY charity? :P

I guess this should prepare me for the bureaucracy of future hospital life. FUCK YOU M.D.'s!! VIVA LA ALLIED HEALTH~!!!! *waves middle finger*

Speaking of smelling like arse, i wasn't allowed to get my cut wound wet so i have done really well in not wetting that finger since Tuesday. Needless to say, I haven't been washing it since and now it really smells like arse.

Before this I used to wonder "OMG what died in here" or "Jeez that person has a f**kin stinky fart" whenever i smell a horrible sour-ish rotten-ish smell wafting. Now I realise its just my finger being too close too my nose. I hope the smell isnt actually coming from the wound itself, coz the idiot nurse didnt clean the cut before taping me up.

I was cutting an onion when the knife cut me so my fingers were covered in onion juice when they got taped up, resulting in the soury vinegar like stench. Thank god I wasnt cutting the pork, theres so much yuck stuff in raw pork (swine flu! wtf) i think i wouldve screamed at the nurse if she had just taped me up then without disinfecting.

But anyways i am contemplating washing the finger and trying really hard to avoid that thin line of healing flesh. I cant take the smell anymore!!!

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