Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Its been a bleh week for me.

I did pretty OK for my clinical exam.. not too bad, but not as good either. As for my dietetic prac assignment, i expected good results coz Lesley didn't comment much about it when i submitted our drafts but the marks we recieved was appaling!!! I have lost condfidence for assignment 2 :(

Also I haven't contacted a Physio student yet to take a diet history. Plus my hetare group isn't getting around to even starting on it! Am I the only one freaking out!?!?!

Yet for all the freaking out I'm doing, I'm still procrastinating :P

And I started going back to the gym again. Not too sure if its another one of my methods of procrastination, but at least its good for health!

I crossed the mud path today and noticed a flock (is that the proper word?) of ducks. They are starting to look evil again. I hope they don't start producing little ducklings so soon just yet. I want to enjoy walking around freely without worrying about being attacked by ducks.

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