Thursday, May 7, 2009

America: Land of the wasteful!

I just watched an episode of Oprah that showcases some American families who were wasteful, and underwent her challenge of living less for a week.

One particular family totally pissed me off! They were so wasteful, especially with food! The mom cooks like, 5 different meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner because their kids all want to eat different things! When they can't finish the meals, it all goes into the trash. And a lot of it goes into the trash. This is food. Proper, edible food thats being thrown away. World hunger is still a big issue these days, and we have American morons throwing away their food because "my kid's dont like my cooking" or "we dont ever eat leftovers!! Leftovers?? Ewwwww". Like WTF?!? These people need to grow up in a third world country to truly appreciate life.

I also believe that bad parents make bad children. The mom herself goes shopping every Tuesday of the week, eventhough the fridge is well stocked to probably last them for 3 months. How does she solve this problem of lack of fridge and cupboard space? She throws food out. The bitch (pardon the bad language but she really pissed me off) throws out all half-finished boxed stuff like cereal and biscuits, eventhough they're still good! She pours away bottles and bottles of soda from the fridge which have "lost their fizziness..which is around 3 days", yet buys the giant 2.5L bottles when they go shopping eventhough they NEVER finish them. She spends 200$ a week rebuying items that she just threw out! Good, not-even-close to expiry food as well!

If I were a parent I'd whack my kids around their head and make them eat whatever one meal I make!! "Oh? Whats this? Won't eat my veggies or red meat? You want to eat out??!! Get a freaking job then you can go eat out with the money you make! Or else just sit down, shut up and eat. If not, I'm sure the doggies would appreciate your share of the meal. I always knew i should've given birth to a peice of char siu rather than a useless kid like you! At least the char siu i can eat!"

I'm sorry, but food and wastage is a really touchy issue for me. I know I waste alot when I eat at the dining hall (thats because the food is like dog food =_=) but I also know that if I made all my meals, I would never NEVER throw food away unnecesarily. Its a shame that these are the very same people wailing "oh why am i soooo poor? why have i sooooo much debt??" and tossing their money into the bins while they at it. Americans. Go figure =_=.


  1. Hello, Ihsara. Throwing food away is a sin. They should have bought less in the first place.
    Yes, that disgusts me as well. I always eat everything on my plate and BELIEVE IT OR NOT, but at every meal I eat I think of those that don't live in paradise like me ( Industrial countries , with America at the top of the consumer pyramid ) and that makes me hate the throwing away of perfectly good food.

  2. I used to live near this family and it was so sickening around meal times. I'd watch the mom make so many different things, her kids ate like 20% of it and the rest she just threw in the garbage and she would cook the whole family sized portion of something for each kid. I even was there once on one of her shopping trips and before she headed to the grocery store I asked if there was anything I could do to help and she said yeah, take out the garbage because theres going to be plenty of it after I clean out the fridge and cupboards. It was so disgusting because she did literally throw away 80% of the stuff in her fridge and cupboards and I ended up taking out 5 bags of "garbage" out to the already overflowing cans outside. The mom was so wasteful and didn't care because I asked her was all that stuff bad and she said no but she needed everything cleaned out so it all needed to go in the garbage. When I told her that theres plenty of hungry people who love to eat that stuff, she was like oh well its garbage now and if they want it they better get here either when the garbage goes out to the curb or early on garbage day before the garbagemen take it away.
