Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Not that this post has anything to do with it lol..

Note this is going to be a rave post so if you wanna escape, do it now :P

I heard of Axis Powers Hetalia quite some time ago when reading Harlequinn's LJ and so I already knew it was a manga of sorts based on the Axis and Allies during the World Wars but personified the countries as real people. And boy did she rave about them. But because it was a manga I just couldnt be bothered.

Then some time ago i noticed on zomganime a catergory being aired called Axis Powers Hetalia. They've turned it into anime!! YAY!!!!!

It runs only for 5 minutes per episode so its great if you need to watch something fast and hilarious. It is so freaking funny, it had me laughing all the way to the end of the episode EVERY episode i watched (i think my housemate thinks i'm nuts, just giggling hysterically in my room).

In case you were wondering, why 'pasta' as my post title then? Thats because the main character, Veneziano aka North Italia (but often referred to as just Italia) is often shouting "pasta!" or wanting to eat pasta, or building giant pasta figures out of sand! :P He has an older brother, South Italia (often referred to by name, Romano). He looks exactly the same as Veneziano except he looks grumpier and has a different hair color. He doesnt do the pasta thing like Veneziano, but has been seen clutching a horde of tomatoes almost patriotically while threatening Germany. Both brothers are women loving, as expected of Italians :P. And both brothers are utterly useless. Hence the name "Hetalia". ("hetare" + Italia)

This should give you an idea of the immaturecomedy to be expected. This is during WW1 and Germany has just captured Italia (Veneziano) as a prisoner. Italia, being a more than happy prisoner, wrote a song for Germany...

"Germany, Germany, Germany is a great place
 They feed me even though I’m a prisoner
 The food doesn’t taste crappy like British stuff either
 Sausage, cheese it’s all so tasty!
 It's a heaven for dogs. That’s what Germany is!
 But why are all Germans so stern? I feel like I’m going to be crushed
 by their intimidation...
 My heart is so afraid and I’m going to cry. The girls are so big too...
 Is it your hobby to burst barrels of beer everyday?
 Also, please stop raiding my house in swarms. The tourists are way
 too scary.
 German chicks are bigger and better built than me. Yahoo!"

Germany promptly sends Italia home in a box. Ironically, thats how Germany found him too. In a box. Its hilarious. Go Axis Powers Hetalia!!!!

And if thats not enough incentive to watch, they boys are all bishie and its loads of material for the yaoi fangirl! See for yourself! 


  1. Here's another thing that I find disgusting :
    What happened to freedom of speech? If you find the character of Korea insulting, don't watch the show.
    Thanks for the link to the characters, hehe.
    But why is Belgium without comment. Surely if she's Belgian she loves drinking beer and eating well ;) and hates complicated politics and authority !
    "Quote : "If you think you understand how Belgian politics work , that means it hasn't been correctly explained to you"

  2. Hello Walter!

    I haven't gotten around to reading about Korea-kun yet (does he appear in the anime?), but they should loosen up lol... coz Hetalia bashes every country including Japann itself.

    I think thats why I love it so much. The stereotype and somewhat racist jokes are win! :3

    Maybe Himaruya will expand on her later (coz apparently she's got siblings! Holland and Luxembourg!)
