Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This is why I *bleep*ing hate ONIONS!

Today, after Jap class i got back starving and decided to have Yakisoba.

So there i was happily chopping away at the vegetables... and then the onion.

I was slicing half an onion lengthwise into half, and then half of that half at a 45 degree angle. Only the onion slipped, and the knife embedded itself at a 45 degree angle into my left index finger.

I pulled out the knife and examinied my fingers coz i thought i cut them all but it turns out only one finger was bleeding so i rinsed it. But the blood didnt stop. I put a tissue on it and applied pressure. But when i removed it after a while the blood continued gushing out. So my housemate attempted to put a Band-Aid on it...only there was so much blood that it kinda slipped off and blood was oozing out of it anyways. Surprisingly i was pretty calm throughout ie: not screaming my head off.

So i thought maybe its hightime i go see a doctor... maybe I need stitches? So i got my butt over to the Uni's clinic. I think then was when the shock (and the throbbing pain in my finger!) kicked in and i broke down crying at the clinic and the receptionist laughed at me wtf!!! WHERE ARE YOUR WORK ETHICS??? Yalah yalah i know its amusing to see a wailing girl have snot literally drip down her face onto her chin... but even still... at least the nurse knew how to do her job and was comforting and did not laugh at me >.>....

So yeah, now I'm all patched up, no stitches thank goodness :D. But she said i have to keep the wound dry for 3 days. 3 FREAKING DAYS. How am I gonna wash my hair????? How am i gonna go for that Red Party on Thursday with my hair smelling like a sewer?? 

Monday, April 27, 2009


Today i punched Roger haha.

It was by accident i swear!! At first he was having a go at my height so i pretended to give him a punch. But the second time he had a go i turned around and swung my fist at him (again, another pretend punch)

Only this time it landed square in his stomach. OMG. I was super sorry okay!! This is like the second stupid accident that happened (like the time i emptied a cup of Coke over his head it was a total accident ok dont judge me i have no brains!!!!) omg wtf am i like this.

And while i was profusely apologizing i briefly touched his elbow and he yanked away like i had leprosy or something. At first I thought he was sore at me for really hitting him. Then again I wondered maybe he's so disgusted by me he can't stand me touching him.

Any other day 2 years ago I wouldve been crushed. But suprisingly I'm fine. OK so I care a teensy weensy bit,  care enough to write this post. But at least I'm making progress :).

Now, if only I can stop making stupid accidental events from happening especially those that seem on purpose... I have no maliciuous intent ok??!!?? (or is this internal subconcious evilness manifesting itself??)

sigh. i need to go and get fucked. literally. D:

Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Potong Stim"

What a downer!!! I was sooooooooo looking forward to going out tonight and getting my kicks. I even have my nails painted a bright shade of red, dammit!

Good on ya, Ty, for FFK-ing us (mainly ME) at the last minute. 

Roger asked if i wanted to go with them (John + Brendan + etc?) and watch some band perform at Bar on the Hill. First thought :

"Nah. John is there. *shudder*" So I lied and said "Nah. Ive got work" (I really need to be more creative with my excuses).

Second thought:

"Hmm. Rock Band. Rock band = lotsa boys. Oooh. I was gonna go out tonight anyway..." So I asked what time. Ooh. 9pm. Is it free? NO? 25 bucks??!!?? (plus theres no guarantee I'd be getting any, when John being there will make me feel uber paranoid, and what Roger might think, which i shud seriously stop giving a shit about)


Thats why I am spending another Saturday night posting here, watching Bride & Prejudice and eating instant noodles instead of living life.

Fuck My Life!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together~

How good is Across the Universe?

Admittedly when i first saw the file on the good old Uni network, i thought it was some crappy sci-fi show aimed at nerdy boys who liked drooling over Princess Leia's golden bikini, and passed it over. Then i read on Aud Ooi's  blog about how good the soundtrack was (its the Beatles, the Beatles!!!!) i decided to give it a go.

And  I was hooked the moment they sang "All My Loving". And I loveloveloved "I Wanna Hold Your Hand".

And I wont be forgetting Bono's singing of one of my favourite (although odd-ish) Beatles song, I Am The Walrus!!! GOO GOO GA JOOB~!

My face is breaking out. I am super unhappy. Its like, instead of getting better after eating the Pill my face is getting worse. I wonder why? Is it because i'm using a generic thats half the price of the original which did wonders (yah they must have used some cheapass fillers thats breaking me out D:)?? Or maybe more stress overall?

Or lack of poo-poo?? Hahaha.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What a disaster!

I've been absolutely hating groupwork this year.

Yesterday's food lab preso SUCKED majorly. I wondered if i let it show on my face the distaste and annoyment i felt while the others were presenting. My part worked out fine at least, i covered what i needed to cover without getting sidetracked.

My group got butchered by Surinder after that,  getting asked questions based on homg stupid comments and statements made by some of my groupmates (one of them in particular).

Sometimes i got pretty annoyed when i suggest logical changes and she shoots them down based solely on the fact that SHE feels its too big a change or because she feels its not right but doesnt provide the evidence to back it up (HAH i am starting to sound like Surinder, "where is the evidence? where is the evidence!!??!!). And it sucks that rather than just getting the bad mark for herself it affects the whole group.

Part of our course is to learn from reflection. I hope she reflects on this for for chrissakes dont try to be a smartass by making shit comments like "I know most Australians do not like to eat fish" (BAM got shot down by Surinder INSTANTLY) and shooting off comments of the top of her head like "uh... we removed sardines which are high in sodium and chose a lower salt fish" (homg since when, WHEN have sardines become a high salt fish???? when have any kind of fish become high salt unless its been processed)

Part of my reflection is to grow a pair of balls, and provide some, uh, "constructive" (if i can help it) critiscm in order to help the group. And myself.

And start making new friends coz heaven forbid I'm stuck in a rut with this lot till the end of the year and i do not want to fail subjects based on shitty presos. D:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

new shoes?

I think i need a pair of fuck-me heels.

Coz my only pair of heels are so over-used, i dont want them to die out on me just yet. They are'nt remotely sexy either, just formal. And recently to my horror, i realised if you try hard enough u can get upskirt views by looking in the reflection of the mirror piece stuck to the front. Omg no more granny panty wearing >A<

I'ms sure if my podiatrist were reading this, he come and whack some sense into me with a crushed foot model ("The bunions, you silly girl, think of your bunions when you're ooooooold *whack whack*) Its bad enough i didnt wear my orthotics today, and got a blister from wearing prettier shoes HAHA serves me right.

I should prob stop sleeping too late. Apparently, and its scientifically proven, sleeping late or not enough sleep makes you fatter. So there. New info! Who says reading my usual rubbish is not educational???

I just need to zoom and write up a little speechie for my food lab preso tmr. Goodnite.

And if you're wondering why I have been intensely blogging, don't expect it to last. As they say in Malay, its all "hot hot chicken shit". :D :D :D!

Monday, April 20, 2009

And from your lips, she drew the Hallelujah...

YAY my mid-sem exam for clinical nutrition is finally over!!

Commence rational, less-stressed thinking!!! wheee~~!

First off. The other night I ranted to Simon about my sexual frustrations (Come to think of it, it was also prob due to the stress coz now my libido is like, negative 50. Not even the slightest bit horny. It's prob the Pill kicking in) and he suggested I go over to Adelaide and we shag, since he wants it and I want it.

Haha omg at the time it was so tempting! Brain was confused between yes and no but Sex Drive was saying yessssssss all the way!! At that point I was so up for it, i was checking out flight prices to Adelaide (should've been studying, but procrastination is my forte)


But now that my head is clear, i dont think i want to pay so much money to go to another state just to have sex with a guy. there just isnt enough pro's for me to go to Adelaide compared to Melbourne.

Hooray for rational thinking :D

I also ranted to Chrissy about it and told him about the whole Adelaide thing and now i think he thinks i'm some sort of cheap slut. (。>0<。)

Secondly. i am so so so so so in love with Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah song. Oh my god his voice. Is. So. Heartbreakingly. Heartbreaking.

And he was beautiful. I say was because, well, he's dead (iДi)

Like a Virgin

Only that i'm not being touched for the very first time.

Make that not being touched at all.

Yes, its official. In the land of Oz, i am the last remaining virgin (ooh cherry red for an unpopped cherry!) among my friends. It sucks that we started out on the same level but now they've gone where i havent gone before, so to speak.

Not that i mind much or anything... but i'm beginning to wonder if there is something physically or psychologically wrong with me? I mean, do i have an extra arm sticking out the crack of my arse that i'm not aware of? Do i scream murderous thoughts out in my sleep? OR WORSE, can people actually hear my often preverted and strange thoughts out loud when i'm staring into space??

Or is it because i weird guys out when they catch me staring at their crotch region most of the time (god, i am depraved (  ̄っ ̄) ... ) hey i am short OK its not my fault that it "so happens" to be in my line of sight!

is my left hand going to be my only lover?? (man do i sound like a man!) will i end up as the 50-year old virgin?? FOREVER??

AND EVER!!!??!!?!!! *dundundun ominous sound effect!*

Hajimete no post~

I stopped blogging on LJ because too many "unwanted" people were reading my posts.

And talking about them behind my back. Or worse, making half-assed assumptions and then asking me about them. =_=

I actually like the Ameba blogs but the prob was there were too many Google ads and then the only people who could possibly find th "comment" button would be Pris coz its all in Japanese.

I also miss all the cute emoticons too (。>0<。)

But i'll get used to this. Eventually.